Saturday, November 2, 2013

inside the cheater's mind

In attempting to answer the question, "Why do people cheat?" this article concludes, "A solid moral compass can, in other words, lead one safely through dim rooms with graffiti-covered walls."  Hey, wait a minute: WE work all day in a dim room with graffiti-covered walls... 


  1. Peter Gray says, "Our system of compulsory (forced) schooling is almost perfectly designed to promote cheating. That is even truer today than in times past. Students are required to spend way more time than they wish doing work that they did not choose, that bores them, that seems purposeless to them. They are constantly told about the value of high grades. Grades are used as essentially the sole motivator. Everything is done for grades. Advancement through the system, and eventual freedom from it, depends upon grades."
    (More here:
    I completely agree with that. Students have the incentive to cheat because (as said here: the consequence of cheating isn't as scary as the outcome of not cheating (failing the test, angry parents, etc.)

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  3. One of the points not covered perhaps, is that cheating is almost sensationalized in our society. We all have a sort of sick obsession with those of us able to get away with grandeur schemes, leading to movies upon movies including robberies, and dozens about teens cheating a system in school. Cheating and getting away with it comes with almost a little sense of excitement, self fulfillment, being able to do something not everyone can do, and being smart enough to not let it become apparent. I mean, we all love ninjas, isn't cheating a little bit like being a ninja?
