Tuesday, November 12, 2013

november 12

JOURNAL TOPIC: ["Come Together" by The Beatles; "Why Can't We Be Friends" by War]

What inspires you to be at your best? Do you work more effectively as an individual, as a member of a group, or does it depend on the task/people/situation? Explain the factors that enable teams to succeed in ways "Lee Harvey Oswalds" can't, and discuss the implications for community and country. For instance, after an event that divides winners and losers (a big game, a court case, an election), how can people come back to the table to work together?

1. Journal
2. Regarding vocab (resolved: lists 1, 2, 8, & 9 are eligible tomorrow-- find them here)
3. Regarding groups and collaboration
4. "Best of" discussion/presentations

1. Read Read the article after the jump (and post notes to your blog, title: WE HANG TOGETHER) -- there will be an extensive reading quiz tomorrow along with the vocabulary test (*you read that correctly; welcome to the speed round). As you read, pay particular attention to how collaborative relationships operate offline and think about how we can increase their value by networking online.  Then go back to vocabulary.
2. Study vocabulary
3. Read this and do this.

interdependence in strategic collaboration -


  1. I figured you were to post a comment here unless I have made some horrible mistake, my first link is:
    http://www.mindomo.com/ (the guy on the front page is rather scary)
    http://www.mindmeister.com/ (it seems decent but then again, how do you internet?)

    I heard a lot from Mindomo in class, it seems like a reliable source especially since some members of our class were using it. I found Mindmeister from a simple search of "mind maps" I found Mindmeister, liked that it was mobile, it indicated that people were into its development and a lot of time was put into it.

    1. Agreed on Mindomo (it's my favorite that I've seen so far, and I've done a decent amount of research), but I must point out that Mindmeister costs money (despite the shiny green "sign up for free" button on the front page)

  2. It's nice that you describe such things.
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