Wednesday, November 13, 2013

november 13

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Help!" by The Beatles, "Help Me" by Joni Mitchell]

Describe a time you gave or got much-needed help.  Why did it make a difference?  What about the experience can you take with you to make future efforts and relationships more successful?

1. Journal
2. Vocabulary/reading quiz
3. T.S. Eliot was no Lee Harvey Oswald
4. Brain 2.0.2

1. Comment to this post with your choice of mind map and your suggested article/s


  1. 1) Mindmeister
    2) Google Mindmap App
    My article that I think would be revenant in our world wide news and a better understanding of mother nature.

    1. 1) Mindmeister is similar to the platform as Microsoft Word in such that it allows the user create whatever they want with the provided layouts. This site could be improve by allowing users to input there own files into the mind map.
      2) Mindmap Google App is not as organized and complex as Mindmeister, but it kicks a big punch in a small app. An improvement that I would enjoy is having a variety of layouts already set into the app.

  2. Coggle

    And my article, I chose because I found it quite interesting

    1. And to add on, Coggle allows people to share their map and also allow people to collaborate and work on it as well

    2. But will it be free? I like coggle I looked at it but do we need a membership ?

  3. I have used MindMeister before and I think we should use this. It is easy to use and easy to understand. I am up for any topic but I would like to do a sports article if everyone agrees to it.

  4. I would like to use MindMeister again, since we used it last year in "American Lit". So everyone who took the class last year can dive deeper into the program, as well as teach the newcomers to the class.

    I also thought it would be fun to use Dr. Preston's article on interdependence as our topic. Since it is an important subject, we could gain a better understanding and Dr. Preston might find out some more information he didn't come across in his earlier research.

    1. 1. I agree on mindeister, it may sound selfish, but it would be less diffcult rather than learn something new.
      2. Article:
      I picked this article on shut down because it really going to effect our generation. Why not try to figure some solutions?

    2. 1. I agree on mindeister, it may sound selfish, but it would be less diffcult rather than learn something new.
      2. Article:
      I picked this article on shut down because it really going to effect our generation. Why not try to figure some solutions?

  5. I'd like to use either Mindomo, or MindMeister.
    Here are two articles I found interesting, and they relate to banned books from the school system. Most of the titles that are given as examples are ridiculous, and their reasoning for being banned is just as ridiculous.

  6. I vote Mindomo, because it has a TON of features (it's wayyyyy more customizable than MindMeister) including layout & color customization, links and multimedia, likes and comments for individual nodes, assigning nodes as tasks (which I expect to be VERY helpful for coordinating our information flashmob), and a built-in chatbox. Also btw, MindMeister costs money now (apparently it didn't last year).

    As for an article, I don't know if this counts, but any of Wikipedia's lists (for example, the list of common misconceptions) look like possible candidates to me.

    1. Thought of another one. This has been sitting in my bookmarks bar forEVER because although I said I was going to read the whole thing one of these days, I haven't actually gotten around to it: Angry Birds, Farmville and Other Hyperaddictive ‘Stupid Games’

      btw guys, this is how you make a link: <a href="">oh my god why is this a real website</a>

      oh my god why is this a real website

  7. We should make our own article about our philosphies on life, I hope everyone could enjoy that and agree on it as well, I think it would fun to talk about what we live by because the more perspectives we understand the better we know each other and trust each other. It would even help us with our ccollaboration techniques/practice for the future. Anyways we can all get something out of it.

  8. I'll say Mindomo because I'm pretty sure Lisa knows what she's talking about. As for the article portion, they involve my heavy dislike for sexist readers and love for pessimism.

    I just thought these two following articles were interesting and they have to deal with food (inspired from books and last meals of Death Row convicts).


    So I found a bunch of related articles on how music changed over the years. It is a lot of material but it sounds like it could be interesting. We could even put in our own conclusions on how music shifted to the way it is now at the very end of our mind map. I vote for mindomo too!

  10. ARTICLE: What reading does for the mind by Anne E. Cunningham and Keith E. Stanovich


    1.Edraw: I liked Edraw because it has exemplar templates and diagrams we can use. It has a very organized layout and I believe it is free.

    2.Mindomo: It is great it allows the user to share videos and use links. It allows the user to post pictures and record sound.

  11. I vote for Mindomo because the features. I'm not sure about the other ones. I have actually read Lindsey's article before about books being banned from public libraries. Another article about banned books. <-- This one is even better.

  12. My first suggestion would be to use Mindomo. My second pick would be MindMeister. It seems like MindMeister was popular among students that have used the program before, but Mindomo is more personalized and looks better ascetically. I think that it would be interesting to research about student debt... It is a topic that we will all face just around the corner! Learning about it now would be beneficial especially since student debt has been on the rise.
    This second link gives multiple articles about student debt

  13. I agree with the previous comments that we should either use Mindomo or MindMeister. I've created an account for Mindomo and after browsing through Midomo, I found it easy to use and aesthetically appealing. For the article, I chose "The Power of Birth Order" by Jeffery Kluger because I thought that students who had siblings could relate to this article. I also found "A Home at the End of Google Earth" by David Kushner interesting because it tells a story of a person who was separated from his home at a young age and used Google Earth to find his home and family (yay for technology).
    Links to articles:
    "The Power of Birth Order":
    "A Home at the End of Google Earth":

  14. So I searched for a mind map website because I hate downloading things onto this computer, and I found Mind Meister, aaaand then I saw all these comments about it sooo I'm thinking I made a good choice.
    And I've been looking and thinking trying to come up with some amazing article that I would love to do a mind map for, and there's so many possibilities that I don't even know how to go about this. This is too difficult for me!!!

  15. Very user friendly and simplistic. Also available via mobile platforms. Allows attachments of files, links, and tasks. A little too simplistic.
    Free Mind. Does require download. High editable but doesn't support pictures... yet.
    We should discuss, as a class, the pros and cons of each of the different resources we have. If none meet our liking, why not make our own? I'm positive that within our three AP class periods (and the resources we and Dr. Preston have) we can muster enough brainpower to create a bitc-super cool format that tends to all our needs and wants and give these pre-established formats a run for their money.

  16. I'm picked articles based slightly on my big question and they are on stuttering and autism

    As for mind maps, Mind had a cool article on the basics of what they are. also had a lot of good and helpful information, as well as a check list of what makes a mind map tool useful.

    For software I used Microsoft One Note, but sadly that only works with one person and isn't useful for our class wide and beyond collaboration.

  17. Mindomo.

  18. Mindomo seems like the easiest site to use. I don't know about you guys, but I like a to know how to use the tools I use. For the article maybe we could read

  19. I think we should use mindomo. I created an account and was exploring it a little and it seemed fairly easy to use, especially since I'm horrible with technology, and I know a few others are as well. I couldn't find any articles that I particularly liked but I do like Min's idea about "The Power of Birth Order" article. I think it would be interesting to read.

  20. I think Mind Meister would be a really great place for our class to create a mind map:)
    As for articles, I'll always think the one where Vladmir Putin directly addressed the public was completely undermined so that would be the one I'd choose for us to read:

  21. looking at all the posts about this Mindomo made me want to go check it out, and i definitely agree with everybody. its way easier to use, and so much more interesting than any other mind map sites i've tried in the past.

  22. Mind Meister is the one that I am most comfortable with. If anyone is able to find an article about sports or interesting facts, I would love to read it.

  23. I am not sure if it would be a good article to analyze with a mindmap, but in my search for an article that could be good for a mindmap, I found this one.

    I found it really interesting because it creatively compares the literacy level required to read the Google Terms and Conditions with the level required to read classical works like Beowulf.

  24. Mindomo appeals the most to me.

    As for the article, I chose to go with this one as it is relevant to my intended field of study

  25. Most people seem t think Mindomo would be a good choice for us.
    I think an interesting topic for our Mindmap would be pros and cons of the new affordable care act and there are too many articles to choose from so we would have a lot to discuss.


    I really like the simple design somewhat and the features are nice. I like the relationship lines the different kinds of bubbles you can use, and add drawings in it as well, although I prefer a handwritten and hand drawn mind map.

    Edraw is really good for me since I am a visual learner and the pictures help me remember things more easily.

    For my articles I would wanna post about my technology, video editing how to since I enjoy it.

  27. Mindomo! I like it better than mindmeister (for me it's easier to understand the features)
    I am up for whatever topic I can get new information or perspectives from :)

  28. I like how MindMeister also has apps for phones, so we can add things onto mind maps through our phones on our computers or phones.
    I don't know if I skipped over anyone, but I found a mindmapping tool called XMind I don't know what its benefits are because I haven't really used mindmaps before, but I thought it would be interesting to suggest something new :)
    I think too many people confuse feminism with misandry and that too many people know what misogyny is and not about misandry. So here's an article about how feminism is not misandry and vice versa.

  29. Mindmeister, It is more aesthetically appealing, easy to use, and for the people without laptops, it has a phone app, as I am never home. Also, it is the mind master!

  30. I would say either Mindomo ( or Mindmeister ( . Both look and seem easy. And, since our class already got a head start on using Mindomo, I would say Mindomo, but I am fine with whatever is decided!

    For the articles, I am fine with whatever is decided as well! I am willing to learn and help out on new or already discussed ideas to get a better understanding of them!

    1. But, I do like that Mindmeister since it is compatible with almost every electronic device we have, so I am not sure. Whatever is decided should be fine!

  31. Mindomo is pretty cool and I liked it when Lisa introduced it before. Mindmeister would also be a good choice for the purposes of this class though!
    I found this article that visually shows how we use the internet and how far we have come in our online endeavors! I thought it was pretty cool!

  32. I really like the interface of Mindomo but the app interface for Mindmeister is also appealing.

  33. I think I like Mindomo the best because it seemed like it would be the easiest to operate on. I chose a speech instead of article because I feel there are some very useful key points that could be mapped out.

  34. After reading some of the comments, I decided to checkout both Mindomo and Mindmeister. I feel like either one would work for our class, but after exploring both sites I felt more comfortable with Mindomo. I believe that Mindomo would be the easiest to use.
    As for the article, I'm willing to work with any topic that's decided on!

  35. I was checking a few out and I really liked Mindomo. Its simpler and easier to use

  36. Mindomo because it reminds me of the original mind map I use to use last year plus its free!
