Monday, October 14, 2013

october 15

JOURNAL TOPIC: [tunes anyone? have a look at the journal topic and comment with your suggestion/s.]

How can you use this week's collaborative opportunity to your greatest advantage? Can you see ways to creatively extend your understanding of Hamlet and pursue your creative/professional goals? Explain.

1. Journal
2. Collaborate with your group and figure out how best to manage the week so that: a) You read and understand Act II by Friday; b) You get what you want and need from the experience; and c) Your blogs reflect both your Shakespearean expertise and your personal/collective accomplishments. Nominate a facilitator to run the conversation and nominate a reporter to summarize the highlights and comment to this post.
3. Act II (continued)

1. Post vocabulary definitions and sentences to your blogs if you haven't already.
*Note: For practice, try writing sentences in the form of a paragraph (or several) that describe what you know about Hamlet so far and how the character is similar to and/or different from others you've read.


  1. This is funny, because I was just considering emailing Dr. Preston about using music we all.. umm... know.. *cough cough like cough* (I turned in my cd!)

    Anyways Do Anything You Wanna Do by Eddie and the Hot Rods ("Why don't you ask them what they expect from you?") and The Distance by Cake (Our group intensity for reading Hamlet...) OR Never There by Cake (Our collaborative groups not being so collaborative...haha. Or hey, Hamlet's father not being there... haha ouch..)
    :) Seriously what is up with all the Mary J Blige?

  2. Kevin Lake
    Javier Solis
    Mia Levy

    Our group decided that these next 3 days we are going to discuss a scene or two(depending on length and time we have). We will read through it and mark important quotes and help each other understand what is going on. Then each night we are going to post a summary of what we read on our blog so we do not forget it.
    Facilitator: Javier
    Reporter: Mia

  3. Kelsey Robertson
    Cameron Reese
    Maddison Hill
    Assorted members

    We will be reading shakespeare on Thursday night last minute, maybe in class if we feel like it.
    Dean is cute
    Cameron has to go to an ICC meeting
    Kelsey needs a ride home
    Min Kim likes zombies
    Elisia does good drawings of tomatoes on bodies.
    Marisol rocks at Pictionary
    Kelsey does not like Walking Dead
    Min Kim and I do not like CSI
    Cameron needs to finish his script about a demon hamster.

    Just Kidding, we'll actually read it tomorrow. We will discuss it.

